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  • Texas House Republican Caucus


Republican House Members Have Tasked Representatives Jim Murphy, Tom Oliverson, Craig Goldman, and Candy Noble to Lead Their House Majority During the 87th Legislative Session

(Austin, Texas) -- Today, the Texas House Republican Caucus elected officers to the Executive Committee of the Caucus for the 87th Legislative Session. Representative Jim Murphy will serve as Chair, Representative Tom Oliverson as Vice-Chair, Representative Craig Goldman as Treasurer, and Representative Candy Noble as Secretary.

The Executive Committee of the Texas House Republican Caucus is entrusted by its membership with developing long-range strategies to ensure the achievement of Caucus goals. Each of the officer positions plays a pivotal role in the Caucus’ efforts to provide necessary support to Republican House members and their staff.

“It is a great privilege to have been selected by my peers to serve as their House Republican Caucus Chairman. For many years now, I have worked in a variety of leadership positions for the House Republican Caucus. My colleagues have my commitment to apply the experience and knowledge I have developed over the years to my future efforts of providing them with strong, steadfast, and conservative direction. I look forward to working with each of them as the Caucus continues its preparations for the upcoming session,” said Chairman Murphy.

“Now that the Caucus has selected its officers, the membership is ready to lay the groundwork for a successful session. Our organization will be imperative to the accomplishments of the Texas House and I am thankful to have been elected by my Republican colleagues to be their Vice-Chair,” stated Vice-Chairman Oliverson.

“The House Republican Caucus is grateful to have the financial opportunity to provide even greater support services to its membership during the upcoming biennium. As Treasurer, I pledge to invest even further in our members’ success as they represent our shared conservative values and their respective House Districts,” said Treasurer Goldman.

“To properly represent our constituents in the Texas House, communication with our districts is key. I am excited that the House Republican Caucus has chosen me to serve as its Secretary so that I may deliver imperative communication resources to our members in the future,” stated Secretary Noble.

The Texas House Republican Caucus is comprised of all Republican Members serving in the Texas House of Representatives. The purpose of the Caucus is to provide research, education, policy development, and other support to the Caucus Members and their staff.

The Texas House Republican Caucus works to promote limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal liberty to continue cultivating economic growth for all Texans.



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