Texas House Republicans are committed to improving healthcare for all Texans. This session, our lawmakers have passed a series of bills to tackle healthcare reform. This legislation will improve healthcare across the board by protecting Texans from exorbitant hospital bills, postpartum coverage shortages, and harmful gender modification procedures and treatments.
For too long Texans have faced outrageous hospital bills. That is why Rep. Caroline Harris has sponsored Senate Bill 490 to require health care providers itemize all services and supplies when billing patients. By increasing billing transparency, House Republicans have made it easier for patients to identify errors in their bills. This important piece of legislation will protect Texans from being mistakenly overcharged for healthcare services.
All Texans will no longer have their access to health care providers restricted by anti-competitive practices that raise health care costs at the expense of the patient. House Bill 711 by Rep. James Frank will prohibit providers from including gag or most favored nation clauses in health care contracts. By increasing competition among providers, the healthcare market will reduce prices for patients and employers and improve the quality of care.
New moms in Texas currently face shortages in Medicaid coverage after giving birth. This creates a dangerous situation for new mothers experiencing postpartum conditions that require medical care. Speaker Dade Phelan and fellow House Republicans passed House Bill 12 which will expand Medicaid services to new moms for a year following a pregnancy. Extending coverage following a pregnancy will ensure that Texas mothers receive medical assistance for 12 months after their pregnancy.
Lastly, House Republicans also worked to protect Texas children by placing common-sense prohibitions on therapies and medical procedures aimed at transitioning a child’s gender before they are an adult. Senate Bill 14, sponsored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, ensures children are protected from medically unnecessary, irreversible gender modification treatments.
These new pieces of legislation will improve the quality of healthcare for Texans throughout the state. Texas House Republicans remain committed to making sure everyone is protected and receiving the healthcare they deserve.
For details on more Texas House Republican Caucus victories from the 88th Legislative Session, check out our other recent blog posts.